Peeping with Hitchcock
Kent 影評《哈比人: 意外旅程》神奇魔戒的二度套用
仿效《魔戒現身》精靈女王凱蘭崔爾長達7分鐘的畫外獨白,講述至尊魔戒的來歷與第二紀元的戰役(當初電影公司有意砍了這段他們認為冗贅的說書開場),《哈比人:意外旅程》的序幕闡述者這回交棒給比爾博巴金斯,繼續以《魔戒》三部曲裡比爾博不斷執筆傳寫《There and Back Again》的方式,順而道出矮人民族的帝國興衰史。
導演彼得傑克森當年處理《魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身》時,大力發揮他當家的懸疑驚悚、詭譎陰森的黑色基調(以及巧妙迷人的招牌zolly shots),搭配些許稱職的甘草人物,使得電影峰迴路轉、緊湊精煉;《哈比人:意外旅程》無論主人翁比爾博、眾多的矮人跟班(雷同迪士尼《白雪公主》七矮人的橋段:礦坑尋寶、唱唱跳跳的性格、打呼時飛蟲/水滴在嘴邊進進出出、末尾逼退到懸崖邊緣的絕處逢生…)、褐袍巫師、咕嚕、食人妖、半獸人,甚至哥布林魔頭皆有著插科打渾的搞笑形象,故事性質也不夠嚴肅穩重,凸顯電影本身單薄輕浮的弱點。又《魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身》結尾遠征隊伍的分崩離析,不僅增強了爾後完成任務的困難度,也贏得了觀眾的揪心熱淚和其對於二部曲的高度期待性;但《哈比人:意外旅程》結尾卻出現一群所謂的「天外救星/解圍之神(deus ex
“Home is now behind you; the world is
ahead.” — The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
Kent 影評《聖殤 Pieta》刻烙在閹割苦路上的血紅聖痕
早餐時,李康道將插在母親頭頂位置的牆上尖刀取下,陽具意象不斷在母親面前一次次萎陷。李康道出門前在門口凝視母親的身影代表他開始對母親產生了愛戀;下樓後站在巷弄間向上回望母親,李康道這時的水平視線從一開始的「往下鄙視(look down)」轉為「仰望/尊敬(look up)」的眼神,攝影機的架設位置(掌控權)也由原先李康道輕蔑眾生的觀看立場調換成母親站在窗前向下俯看他的視角;李康道買了條死魚暗示他已經不再噬血殺生;標靶上的母親照片印證母親在家中的主權地位;母親替熟睡的李康道手淫,她看著自己沾滿精液的手,意指慣於武裝自己的李康道終究得在母親面前徹底繳械,陽具威權蕩然無存。
Kent 影評《寒戰 Cold War》非常方法用在哪?
Kent 影評《消失的子彈 The Bullet Vanishes》消失的張力與節奏
或許編導有意仿效蓋瑞奇《福爾摩斯》的詼諧風格、服裝造型、復古色調、幢幢詭影情節、爆破場面調度、甚至筆記本戲碼… 以及好萊塢古典西部片的單挑對決,但,既然片首利用鳥瞰鏡頭展現那股彈藥兵工廠的「視覺氣勢」,其埋藏的伏筆必定是,片尾在此來上一段轟轟烈烈的大肆破壞,這樣龐大規格的可預期場景,導演不僅是以主角們在「視覺封閉」的工廠走道上(非常)慢動作地倉皇奔逃的方式表現(這段過程實在幽默…),而爆破畫面的視效技術不足,卻使用長達半分鐘的慢鏡頭呈現,豈不自曝其短?如此卡通人物式的翻滾動態,搭配壯烈煽情的樂音(環境音幾乎被抽離),當下得到的迴響是全場戲院不由自主地嘻嘻笑笑,實在已經搞不清楚這是否為導演羅志良最初的預期效果… 更別提電影莫名又不知所云的「最終鏡頭」,以「黃花田裡的火車大遠景」作結,這算什麼?!導演你究竟想要表達什麼?是前面用剩的過場鏡頭捨不得丟嗎?還是發展續集的預留畫面?
Kent 影評《007空降危機 Skyfall》孤兒探員之母M夫人
007電影等了50年,「M夫人」在《空降危機》裡,終於有望升格為歷任最偉大的「龐德女郎」! 編導大幅度為M夫人提升到MI6(探員們)的國母地位,甚至陰錯陽差賦予她一個不再是冰冷代號M的諧音名字Emma,使鐵面女上司的形象多添一份人性溫情。
一向處於007對立面的M夫人,這回兩人在鏡頭前難得站在同一線上,面對家鄉(Skyfall), 回顧過往,間接成了龐德對於已故父母的親情慰藉(《量子危機 Quantum of Solace》龐德與卡蜜兒在火坑中相擁,則是當初《皇家夜總會》龐德與摯愛薇絲朋在蓮蓬頭下相擁的慰藉)。
片首,以「類《不可能的任務》臥底名單外洩」為麥加芬母題展開劇情,但反派西法的犯案動機實為M夫人(M for Motive/MacGuffin)。在孤兒探員們心中扮演起嚴母角色(M for Mother),正如西法所謂"Mommy was very bad!" M夫人更被視為「希區考克向來塑造母親是罪犯心中不可抹去的典型陰影」的象徵(本片也大量沿用希區考克的鏡子戲法),導致反派西法深具戀母情結(gay?)/弒母情結(M for Matricide?)。
龐德在復職前的心理測試,當鑑測官問他:「M讓你想到什麼?」,龐德立即回答:「Bitch(母狗)」呼應了爾後新任的Moneypenny幫龐德剃鬍時說他是"Old dog. New tricks." (母狗的老小孩)印證了無論MI6總部如何瓦解崩壞, M夫人辦公桌上那尊醜陋的老狗瓷器都將永遠留存, 甚至成為轉交給龐德的遺物…(任務傳承?不死神話?)當鑑測官再問:「Bird讓你想到什麼?」龐德回答:「Sky」過去《誰與爭鋒》曾經透露James Bond的姓名源自一名鳥類學家, 而「所有00代號的探員們」似乎可被解讀為「一群童年受創、幼無雙親的鳥兒」, 而「鳥」令龐德聯想到「天空」,暗示著這片天空就是M夫人所領軍的MI6總部,亦是每位特務的窩巢老家(因此片首逍遙在外的龐德仍意圖歸隊回巢)。 也因為這窩鳥巢由M 夫人代表當家,故英文片名《Skyfall》意味著掌管MI6這面「天空(sky)」的M夫人,正面臨殞落(fall)的危機…。
《空降危機》向過去龐德系列《最高機密》("Her eyes only!")、《黃金眼》(新任軍需官Q提到的爆炸筆 & 貝恩妮絲瑪羅/芬姬詹森的賭場冷豔造型)、《明日帝國》(片頭矮房屋頂上的機車highway追逐戲)、《縱橫天下》(MI6總部被炸)、《誰與爭鋒》(鳥的意象)致意,以及有著與《不可能的任務》(臥底資密硬碟外洩 & 高速列車頂上的打鬥與穿越隧道的戲碼)、《不可能的任務3》(上海摩天大樓取景 & 特務團隊合作)、《不可能的任務4》(澳門賭場橋段 & 土耳其伊斯坦堡/印度孟買的異國曲風)高度的雷同性。導演山姆曼德斯更不諱言《黑暗騎士》三部曲對於《空降危機》的深層影響。鏡頭裡處處隱藏《黑暗騎士》的印記,不但作曲家湯瑪斯紐曼借用(?)漢斯季默在《黑暗騎士》急促拉弦搭配電子節奏的相同旋律(原聲帶#7. Jellyfish & #26. She’s Mine),反派西法被囚禁時「類小丑」的詭譎鏡位(其實皆出自於《沉默的羔羊》 ;西法描述老鼠相殘時,發出"slurp slurp" 亦仿自漢尼拔萊克特)以及火海前的逆光剪影,甚至M夫人化身為「類管家阿福/警長高登」的幕後闡述者,利用畫音同步平行法,將龐德營救過程的聲音抽離,保留M夫人朗誦英國詩人丁尼生《尤里西斯》的念白,將龐德(《明日帝國》曾喻007為白色騎士White Knight)拉抬至「類蝙蝠俠」的悲劇刻劃,因此片末(Moneypenny所謂)龐德 “難得" 登上總部天台,俯視倫敦天際,內心拯救市民的英雄使命油然而生。
《空降危機》隱含豐富令人玩味的次文本巧思,雖注入了眾多新血(新任的可愛Q、新任的黑人Moneypenny以及新任M),然歡慶龐德50周年的《空降危機》,實際上所要紀念的卻是這位元老級的嚴母角色!正如艾黛兒同名主題曲唱到"For this is the end…"。
“There’s a storm coming!" — The Dark Knight Rises(2012)
一向處於007對立面的M夫人,這回兩人在鏡頭前難得站在同一線上,面對家鄉(Skyfall), 回顧過往,間接成了龐德對於已故父母的親情慰藉(《量子危機 Quantum of Solace》龐德與卡蜜兒在火坑中相擁,則是當初《皇家夜總會》龐德與摯愛薇絲朋在蓮蓬頭下相擁的慰藉)。
片首,以「類《不可能的任務》臥底名單外洩」為麥加芬母題展開劇情,但反派西法的犯案動機實為M夫人(M for Motive/MacGuffin)。在孤兒探員們心中扮演起嚴母角色(M for Mother),正如西法所謂"Mommy was very bad!" M夫人更被視為「希區考克向來塑造母親是罪犯心中不可抹去的典型陰影」的象徵(本片也大量沿用希區考克的鏡子戲法),導致反派西法深具戀母情結(gay?)/弒母情結(M for Matricide?)。
龐德在復職前的心理測試,當鑑測官問他:「M讓你想到什麼?」,龐德立即回答:「Bitch(母狗)」呼應了爾後新任的Moneypenny幫龐德剃鬍時說他是"Old dog. New tricks." (母狗的老小孩)印證了無論MI6總部如何瓦解崩壞, M夫人辦公桌上那尊醜陋的老狗瓷器都將永遠留存, 甚至成為轉交給龐德的遺物…(任務傳承?不死神話?)當鑑測官再問:「Bird讓你想到什麼?」龐德回答:「Sky」過去《誰與爭鋒》曾經透露James Bond的姓名源自一名鳥類學家, 而「所有00代號的探員們」似乎可被解讀為「一群童年受創、幼無雙親的鳥兒」, 而「鳥」令龐德聯想到「天空」,暗示著這片天空就是M夫人所領軍的MI6總部,亦是每位特務的窩巢老家(因此片首逍遙在外的龐德仍意圖歸隊回巢)。 也因為這窩鳥
《空降危機》向過去龐德系列《最高機密》("Her eyes only!")、《黃金眼》(新任軍需官Q提到的爆炸筆 & 貝恩妮絲瑪羅/芬姬詹森的賭場冷豔造型)、《明日帝國》(片頭矮房屋頂上的機車highway追逐戲)、《縱橫天下》(MI6總部被炸)、《誰與爭鋒》(鳥的意象)致意,以及有著與《不可能的任務》(臥底資密硬碟外洩 & 高速列車頂上的打鬥與穿越隧道的戲碼)、《不可能的任務3》(上海摩天大樓取景 & 特務團隊合作)、《不可能的任務4》(澳門賭場橋段 & 土耳其伊斯坦堡/印度孟買的異國曲風)高度的雷同性。導演山姆曼德斯更不諱言《黑暗騎士》三部曲對於《空降危機》的深層影響。鏡頭裡處處隱藏《黑暗騎士》的印記,不但作曲家湯瑪斯紐曼借用(?)漢斯季默在《黑暗騎士》急促拉弦搭配電子節奏的相同旋律(原聲帶#7. Jellyfish & #26. She’s Mine),反派西法被囚禁時「類小丑」的詭譎鏡位(其實皆出自於《沉默的羔羊》 ;西法描述老鼠相殘時,發出"slurp slurp" 亦仿自漢尼拔萊克特)以及火海前的逆光剪影,甚至M夫人化身為「類管家阿福/警長高登」的幕後闡述者,利用畫音同步平行法,將龐德營救過程的聲音抽離,保留M夫人朗誦英國詩人丁尼生《尤里西斯》的念白,將龐德(《明日帝國》曾喻007為白色騎士White Knight)拉抬至「類蝙蝠俠」的悲劇刻劃,因此片末(Moneypenny所謂)龐德 “難得" 登上總部天台,俯視倫敦天際,內心拯救市民的英雄使命油然而生。
《空降危機》隱含豐富令人玩味的次文本巧思,雖注入了眾多新血(新任的可愛Q、新任的黑人Moneypenny以及新任M),然歡慶龐德50周年的《空降危機》,實際上所要紀念的卻是這位元老級的嚴母角色!正如艾黛兒同名主題曲唱到"For this is the end…"。
“There’s a storm coming!" — The Dark Knight Rises(2012)
“A storm is coming." – Skyfall(2012)
“It hurt my pride. I had bad shots." —
M in Skyfall (2012)
In The Cask of Amontillado, Allan Poe creates a character, Mostresor, using the narrator’s first-person point of view to shape the whole thriller. This is a story happening in a gloomy and clammy vault. The narrator designs a perfect and delicate murder with using the weakness of his friend, Fortunato, to revenge him. We could only enter the narrator’s psychological world, following his trick step by step and being trapped.
It began in a carnival season, people wearing amusing dresses and masks. However, beneath them, something evil has been planned. Fortunatos’ characteristic is shaped by the motely, innocent and straightforward. Such dress style is contrary to vindictive mind of Montresor’s own. The hilarious carnival season is opposite to the damp and eerie vault. There is and excellent point saying that the reader can interpret the coats of arms (human foot crushing serpent whose fangs are in heel) in different ways. He and his noble family are like the foot crushing a serpent that has bitten them, or on the other hand is he and family are actually like the serpent. Even though Allan Poe uses the narrator’s viewpoint to describe and judge the scenes he sees, in fact Allan Poe indicates the Montresor’s twisted mental, moral and emotional character in an indirect manner by his narration. It is clever that the writer actually stands behind the narrater’s words to judge the narrator secretly.
Besides, what makes me impressive is that even if we read Montresor’s mental world with his own point of view and perhaps the scenes we see cannot be trusted, we can still hear a series of sound effects vividly. There are only the sound effects in The Cask of Amontillado making readers believe it is objective from reality. I think in Allan Poe’s works, he is fond of murdering people by burying people. For instance, in The Black Cat, the narrator buries his wife’s body and one of black cats which is alive. Obviously, he really enjoyed it.
It began in a carnival season, people wearing amusing dresses and masks. However, beneath them, something evil has been planned. Fortunatos’ characteristic is shaped by the motely, innocent and straightforward. Such dress style is contrary to vindictive mind of Montresor’s own. The hilarious carnival season is opposite to the damp and eerie vault. There is and excellent point saying that the reader can interpret the coats of arms (human foot crushing serpent whose fangs are in heel) in different ways. He and his noble family are like the foot crushing a serpent that has bitten them, or on the other hand is he and family are actually like the serpent. Even though Allan Poe uses the narrator’s viewpoint to describe and judge the scenes he sees, in fact Allan Poe indicates the Montresor’s twisted mental, moral and emotional character in an indirect manner by his narration. It is clever that the writer actually stands behind the narrater’s words to judge the narrator secretly.
Besides, what makes me impressive is that even if we read Montresor’s mental world with his own point of view and perhaps the scenes we see cannot be trusted, we can still hear a series of sound effects vividly. There are only the sound effects in The Cask of Amontillado making readers believe it is objective from reality. I think in Allan Poe’s works, he is fond of murdering people by burying people. For instance, in The Black Cat, the narrator buries his wife’s body and one of black cats which is alive. Obviously, he really enjoyed it.
When I read the author’s name, Amy Tan, in the bookstore, I felt so familiar but I could not remember where I had heard about this name. After reading the short biography of her before the story Two Kinds, I finally recalled the title, the “Joy Luck Club.” I was surprised that the movie is based on Two Kinds. Therefore, I could hardly wait for reading it.
The narrator, in the first line of the first paragraph, directly points out the American dream in her mother’s mind, like most of people’s in the world. Besides, she quotes what her mother said to her in Pidgin English. We can determine that the narrator actually is influenced by her mother all the time. She could not banish her mother’s sayings from her thoughts; thus, she was almost controlled by her mother in the childhood. Not only manners and behaviors, but her own ideas were conducted as well. However, the thought she, of course, could do her best, she just did not want to be dominated by parents. The more her mother pushed her, the more she refused. Perhaps the narrator is a prodigy, and yet her mother always used the wrong way to demand her. We can perceive it from the narration in the story that her mother was so offensive, sudden, overbearing to make the narrator learn the good things. It is pathetic that even though these demands, without a doubt, were good for her, because of such rude way, her mother made them extremely unworthy; moreover, she made those good intentions become a serious malice between them. I think the problem is attributed to the narrator’s mother. First of all, it is quite obvious that her mother did not just want her to be what she should be innately; on the contrary, her mother wanted her to be what her mother had wanted to be when young but in vain. We always think what our parents look forward to is make their children become their own dreams which did never come true when they were young. So we usually feel we live in our parents’ dreams, or concretely, under their shadows. They never ask if we would like to be like this, and they just create, form, shape a blueprint of dream to demand us to accept it, follow it, fulfill it. It is interesting that perhaps our grandparents wanted them to make the dream come true and they refused it when young, but now they feel regretful so that they ask us to atone. Or perhaps our parents had wanted to do something which our grandparents didn’t allow, so that their dream could not come true. And now they demand us to help them to complete their dreams and refuse what we want to do. Both conditions are endless vicious circles from generation to generation. If people are always selfish to their parents and children, we will never find a good way to get along well with each other. There will be hostility and unforgiveness between parents and children. After our parents dying, some day we finally realize it is just a misunderstanding and we will hate ourselves, feel remorse, but it will be too late to compensate such poor relationship. We always complain that nobody understands us, including our own parents, but do we really understand ourselves? Or probably we just want to escape the pressure from them. We barely even know what we will do in the future, how it is important to learn some skills in our childhood. In fact, the most significant thing is that parents should know how to make their kids interested in learning skills. They have to use the clever method to communicate with kids to make them understand the meanings when training them instead of using the tough tone of voice or imposing them.
The narrator describes the relationship between her mother and her with first-person point of view, so that we can spy on the world in her mind. She uses the humorous tone to describe such relationship in the first half of story. We can see she is naughty, childish, determined and rebellious. The narrator takes everything as if she is reading fairy tales. But after she finds her mother gives up the hope when the conflict happens, she gets so startled and sensitive. The fact is that we keep escaping the pressure that we know it is worthy, and after shaking off the stress, we will suddenly feel empty, guilty and no one cares about us. We finally realize we are given up, feeling awful. I think the story is full of dualities, such as American culture and Chinese spirit, the mother and the daughter, the demonstration and rebellion, love and indifference, feelings and behaviors and so forth. Especially, when I read the part of the mirror scene, I believe the narrator wants to present the contrary between the surface and her mind. She perhaps doesn’t really want to rebel in her mind, but what she does is very extreme. She has a conflict, which is the dilemma between piety and resistance, in her mind. Nevertheless, after growing up, she finally realizes that the two sides of opposition can be in harmony as “Pleading Child” and “Perfectly Contented,” which are two halves of the same music she play when young and innocent.
The narrator, in the first line of the first paragraph, directly points out the American dream in her mother’s mind, like most of people’s in the world. Besides, she quotes what her mother said to her in Pidgin English. We can determine that the narrator actually is influenced by her mother all the time. She could not banish her mother’s sayings from her thoughts; thus, she was almost controlled by her mother in the childhood. Not only manners and behaviors, but her own ideas were conducted as well. However, the thought she, of course, could do her best, she just did not want to be dominated by parents. The more her mother pushed her, the more she refused. Perhaps the narrator is a prodigy, and yet her mother always used the wrong way to demand her. We can perceive it from the narration in the story that her mother was so offensive, sudden, overbearing to make the narrator learn the good things. It is pathetic that even though these demands, without a doubt, were good for her, because of such rude way, her mother made them extremely unworthy; moreover, she made those good intentions become a serious malice between them. I think the problem is attributed to the narrator’s mother. First of all, it is quite obvious that her mother did not just want her to be what she should be innately; on the contrary, her mother wanted her to be what her mother had wanted to be when young but in vain. We always think what our parents look forward to is make their children become their own dreams which did never come true when they were young. So we usually feel we live in our parents’ dreams, or concretely, under their shadows. They never ask if we would like to be like this, and they just create, form, shape a blueprint of dream to demand us to accept it, follow it, fulfill it. It is interesting that perhaps our grandparents wanted them to make the dream come true and they refused it when young, but now they feel regretful so that they ask us to atone. Or perhaps our parents had wanted to do something which our grandparents didn’t allow, so that their dream could not come true. And now they demand us to help them to complete their dreams and refuse what we want to do. Both conditions are endless vicious circles from generation to generation. If people are always selfish to their parents and children, we will never find a good way to get along well with each other. There will be hostility and unforgiveness between parents and children. After our parents dying, some day we finally realize it is just a misunderstanding and we will hate ourselves, feel remorse, but it will be too late to compensate such poor relationship. We always complain that nobody understands us, including our own parents, but do we really understand ourselves? Or probably we just want to escape the pressure from them. We barely even know what we will do in the future, how it is important to learn some skills in our childhood. In fact, the most significant thing is that parents should know how to make their kids interested in learning skills. They have to use the clever method to communicate with kids to make them understand the meanings when training them instead of using the tough tone of voice or imposing them.
The narrator describes the relationship between her mother and her with first-person point of view, so that we can spy on the world in her mind. She uses the humorous tone to describe such relationship in the first half of story. We can see she is naughty, childish, determined and rebellious. The narrator takes everything as if she is reading fairy tales. But after she finds her mother gives up the hope when the conflict happens, she gets so startled and sensitive. The fact is that we keep escaping the pressure that we know it is worthy, and after shaking off the stress, we will suddenly feel empty, guilty and no one cares about us. We finally realize we are given up, feeling awful. I think the story is full of dualities, such as American culture and Chinese spirit, the mother and the daughter, the demonstration and rebellion, love and indifference, feelings and behaviors and so forth. Especially, when I read the part of the mirror scene, I believe the narrator wants to present the contrary between the surface and her mind. She perhaps doesn’t really want to rebel in her mind, but what she does is very extreme. She has a conflict, which is the dilemma between piety and resistance, in her mind. Nevertheless, after growing up, she finally realizes that the two sides of opposition can be in harmony as “Pleading Child” and “Perfectly Contented,” which are two halves of the same music she play when young and innocent.
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